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Success Stories
“You're a thoughtful gentleman and a constructive critic. I wanted an agent who'd understand the value of my work, bring it to life in the mind of readers, and bring it to life on the screen. When I looked for a coach, your name rose to the top. After we spoke, I knew we'd work well together. I could tell by the questions you asked and your ability to listen. You understood where I was coming from, and you were extremely helpful. I value our friendship."
"After following your advice, my book was acquired by Pegasus Books, the prestigious PW gave it a great review, and Time Magazine asked for an excerpt. Your expertise was invaluable. I learned critical things, including how to best communicate with my agent, how to get her re-engaged, how to make a decision about staying with her or leaving, how to help her sell the project, and how to get to the point where she ended up calling me a 'dream client.'"
"Boom!!! I just signed a contract with Thomas Nelson/Harper Collins for (what I've been told by several people) is a very large advance for a first-time author. Before working with you, I submitted my book to agents but didn’t get any interest. This time around I got a top NY literary agency. They got publishers bidding against each other. I’m also excited to say that the Editor in Chief at Thomas Nelson is going to be my editor! What cloud is higher than 9?"
"AHHH! OMG, it happened! I got a literary agent and she got offers from multiple publishers. My book deal was announced this week on Publishers Weekly! I tried to get an agent before, without you. No luck. I would send out 6 or 7 queries and get rejections or nothing coming back. I was stuck. I would have kept taking one step forward and two steps backwards, thinking it wasn’t going to happen. Now I can hardly believe it. I’m in heaven!"
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Authors We've Helped Get Book Agents and/or Traditional Publishers